We design and produce
technically advanced
bulk handling solutions
We offer solutions
for bulk handling of especially grain, animal feed and biomass fuel
Lachenmeier Monsun
We Offer Clever and Tailormade Solutions for Environmentally Friendly Bulk Handling of Especially Grain & Feed, Raw Materials and Biomass Fuel.
Lachenmeier Monsun are dedicated designers and producers of technically advanced solutions for bulk handling in ports, the grain & feed industry, the energy industry, and the food industry using our dry bulk material handling systems.
Through many years of experience with our core industries and a profound understanding of their individual needs, our strong engineering department customizes solutions that are brought to live at our modern production facilities in Sønderborg, Denmark. Because we design and produce the machines ourselves, we have in-depth knowledge about every detail in how they work – individually and together with our other products.
Our effective and competent team works in close cooperation with you from the original idea and design to the completed plant is installed and running. Apart from the benefits we provide through the use of our dry bulk material handling equipment, we also take care of the necessary documentation and approvals including legal requirements, explosion hazard, and requirements according to ATEX.
At Lachenmeier Monsun, we have a strong focus on progress, profitability, punctuality, and quality in everything we do. For the success of our customer – and ourselves. Our customers can count on us to keep our promises and to take pride in delivering the quality, the customer expects.
All though our focus over the years has changed from single products to entire solutions, we still produce and sell standard machines such as conveyors, bucket elevators, mega dryers, filters, and silos. Our products come in different sizes, shapes and for different industries. And every one of them is made with the know-how, quality and care, which we at Lachenmeier Monsun are known for.

Our effective and competent team works in
close cooperation with you from the original
idea and design to the completed plant are
installed and running. We also take care of
the necessary documentation.
At Lachenmeier Monsun, we have a strong
focus on progress, profitability, punctuality
and quality in everything we do. For the
success of our customer – and ourselves.
Our customers can count on us to keep what
we promise and to take pride in delivering
the quality agreed.
Learn more
Years of Experience
All though our focus has changed from single products
to entire solutions over the years, we still produce and
sell standard machines such as chain conveyors, bucket
elevators, mega dryers and silos.
Our products come in different sizes, shapes and for different industries. But they are all made with the know-how, quality and care, Lachenmeier Monsun are knownfor.
Our customers say
”We receive grain at 300 tons per hour and we are able to take out up to 600 tons per hour. That was the main requirement for our silo system and that requirement has been fullfilled. In the end we found that the solution from Lachenmeier Monsun was the most attractive one, both design-wise, functionality-wise and also cost-wise. So in the end the choice was actually easy for us.”

Klaus G. Andersen
Owner and Managing Director - Fredericia Bulk Terminal
Our customers say
”This has been a very exciting project to us. In order to ensure the best possible solution, we have co-operated closely with Lachenmeier Monsun from time of greenfield until final installation. And I feel confident that the best possible solution is exactly what we have achieved.”

Torben Madsen
General Manager
Our customers say
”Lachenmeier Monsun is a trusted partner in the construction process - represented by professionals, who promptly answered all of our questions, and provided technical solutions that met all our requirements."

Victor Perunko
Technical Engineer - Private Enterprise Oliyar
Our customers say
“We have cooperated with Lachenmeier Monsun since 2003, where the first intake systems where designed, produced and installed in Kalundborg by Lachenmeier Monsun. A cooperation that has truly developed along with the expansion of the Dan Store Terminal in 2011/2012”

Simon Rodian Christensen
Copenhagen Merchants
Our customers say
"We would like to thank Lachenmeier for the uncomplicated and good advice during planning and realization of the project. The 1000 t/h conveyor is performing to our full satisfaction, the low power consumption in connection with the heavy industrial design, made the decision to choose Lachenmeier Monsun very easy."

Sven Sörensen
Geschäftsführerg.T.H. Getreide Terminal Hamburg Gmbh & Co. Kg
Our customers say
"I very much appreciate the organized work done on developing the specification and delivery of equipment, as well as the quality of its execution. The price/quality ratio is very well balanced, and the equipment looks very aesthetic too."

Technical Director - OOO Agropromstroy
MONSUN™ Baff Wind - Intake Pit Aspiration System
The system reduces the dust spillage when using intake pits.
More stringent rules in respect of environmental conditions have led to development of the MONSUN™ Baff Wind System - a dust extraction system for intake hoppers. When unloading in the intake pit the system only opens in the spot where the product falls into the pit while the remaining pit area stays closed. At the same time, the generated dust quantity is sucked down through the pit by means of a fan upon which the dust is separated through a filter.
The Danish Furnace Society’s (Dansk Kedelforening) Environmental Laboratory has carried out measurements on an existing intake pit before and after the erection of a MONSUN Baff Wind System. Values obtained after the erection of the MONSUN Baff Wind System are below the sanitary limit value for organic dust.
The elements are stocked in standard sizes for erection in intake pits under standard grids. They can also be supplied for existing pits of various makes.
MONSUN™ Bulk Container Filling System
A visionary alternative to conventional container loading that is revolutionizing bulk material handling.
The MONSUN Bulk Container Filling System is a unique automatic tilting and filling system for 20 feet containers ensuring fast, efficient and cost effective loading of bulk materials – in a safe, simple and dustfree way.
The system removes the container from the truck and tilts it 45 degrees in order to allow efficient filling of material into all internal container space, and it incorporates accurate weight measurement to ensure maximum loads are achieved.
Weighing of the full content takes place in the pre-buffer with weighing cells prior to loading the container. The procedure is handled at a safe distance with remote control. But still bringing the operator to a place with full overview of the loading process via a movable platform.
The MONSUN Container Filling System facilitates a greater density of product within the container, reducing the number of handling processes – optimizing your handling time.
Download Data Sheet
MONSUN™ Flex Positioner - Fast and Dust Free Loading
The MONSUN Flex Positioner (Loading Bellow) reduces the time spend for accurate parking of vehicles such as tank trucks and railway wagons.
Depending on the design, the loading system can be situated either in a longitudinal or a lateral position to the container/tank axis. The possible traverse distance is generally total up to 1,000 mm.
Flex Positioners line can be installed for loading railway wagons with bulk material, such as grain, pellets or meal.
The installation of MONSUN Flex Positioner and MONSUN Loading Bellow System provides high precision for tank inlet adjustments and reduces loading time sufficiently.
MONSUN™ Ladders/Catwalks
Our industrial ladders, manufactured in accordance to DS/EN ISO 14122-4:2004 standard, are supplied assembled in sections of 2400 mm. Safety rings are delivered ready for mounting. Ladders and safety rings are stocked in galvanized execution. Maximum span is 5000 mm.
Additionaly we supply:
* Catwalks
* Straightway stairs
* Newel stairs Catwalks in sections of 2500 mm, with grids, railing, knee-high rail and base board
Download Order Form (Danish version)
MONSUN™ Movable Outloading System
A visionary alternative to conventional stationery loading of tanker trucks, flatbed trucks, open and closed railway wagons and containers that is revolutionizing bulk material handling.
The MONSUN movable outloading system is a unique system for fast, efficient and cost effective loading of bulk materials – in a safe, simple and dust free way.
The system consists of a special MONSUN chain conveyor equipped with two MONSUN bellow feeders that can be moved in the full length of a truck load allowing the truck to stay in parked position on a weighbridge while loading. This reduces the number of handling processes – and the loading time.
Also available in Bio version! Download Data Sheet
MONSUN™ Pipe Components
The ducting system is modelled on steel boilertube dimensions.
All bends are manufactured with wall thicknesses from 5.4 to 8 mm. Straight ducts can be supplied with any wall thickness required.
The inside diametres remain the same for pipes and bends irrespective of the wall thickness.
All pipe components are supplied with fully welded flanges which makes them easy to erect and very rigid when installed.
The design of the parts ensures that even the most tricky pipe connections get the right flow. The piping system is stocked in painted and galvanized execution and in 3 and 4 mm wall thicknesses for straight pipes.
MONSUN™ Industrial Samplers
All our samplers are fully automatic with remote control directly from the office to the weighing room. The samplers are manufactured in hot-dip galvanized design. Apart from using the sampler in grain industry it is also suited for sampling of e.g. rape, peas, feed and wood pellets.
Type PU1 - designed for industrial use and can take samples from a soil pipe or from a filled tank. The product is delivered with solenoid valve 24VDC, on/off and is available for installation in ATEX zone 22 or 21.
Type PU2 – designed for extra heavy industrial use at e.g. port terminals and high capacity equipment. Specifications as Type PU1.
Type PU3 – designed for sampling directly from a chain conveyor The samples are taken from the entire width of the chain conveyor, which ensures more representative samples. Since the sample slit can vary, different sample sizes can be taken. Can be delivered in pneumatically operated execution with solenoid valve 24VDC, on/off and position indication. It is available for installation in ATEX zone 22 or 21.
Type PU4 – designed for sampling directly from a vertical soil pipe. Delivered with control options including pause setting. The sampler has an interchangeable slit to enable various sizes of samples and thus optimize the sample quantity. Type PU4 allows you to set the number of samples as well as the size of the samples resulting in 100% representative samples.
MONSUN™ sampler facilities can be designed to your requirements.
MONSUN™ Telescopic Loading Spouts/Bellows
MONSUN Telescopic Loading Bellows (loading chutes) in heavy, industrial design, for grain and feedstuff loading in tank, platform lorries and ships.
The telescopic dust-free loading bellows are used to obtain:
* Effective reduction of dust emissions
* Improvement of working environment
* Minimize material loss upon loading process
Our loading chutes has a small building-in height and a large flexibility. Elevating and lowering movements are carried out by means of manually or motor operated winch.
The loading bellows in standard execution is delivered with wearing cups of stainless steel and socket for connections to aspiration system.
The loading bellows or chutes can be delivered with outlet for tank lorry, platform lorry, or combined tank and platform lorry.
MONSUN™ Vacuum Plant for Cleaning
On the basis of increasing demands on bacteria-free feedstuff we have developed an effective cleaning plant for cleaning of:
* Production machines
* Intake pits
* Floors
* Conveying machines
* Discharge Walls
* Silo plants
* Lorries
* Cellars
In short, anyplace where fast and effective cleaning is required. The dust-laden air is passed through a closed pipe system to an automatic filter where air and material are separated. Dust and other waste is collected in a silo or container for periodical emptying.
The specially developed accessories make it possible to remove dust, pellets, bolts, screws etc. We know the challenges and therefore the solution, which takes its starting point in the individual request.
MONSUN™ Rotary Valve - Type SL
The rotary valve is used for extraction of dust and fine-grained particles from filters, cyclones and venticlones.
The rotary valve has a rotor shaft with 6 blades. The rotor shaft is equipped with flanged bearings and rubber seals at both ends. The blades are equipped with hard-wearing rubber. The rotary valve is manufactured from galvanized plate and all wearing parts are exchangeable. The rotary valve is equipped with a direct coupled gear motor. The rotary valve is stocked as 1-, 2-, and 3-chamber model.
MONSUN™ Venticlone - Type VT 30
MONSUN dust seperation venticlone for grain drying plants.
MONSUN vVenticlone - combined fan and dust separator is provided with a special double separating chamber, cyclone with recirculation of the carrying air, and adjustable false air louver.
The fan wheel of the Venticlone is driven by a 22 kW standard motor.
During the passage through the Venticlone the air is brought into heavy rotation. Hereby the dust particles of the air are thrown out towards the sides of the Venticlone and collected in the separating chamber, from which they are led out into the cyclone. Here the dust is separated from the carrying air that is recirculated to the air intake of the Venticlone.
We have pre-painted venticlones in stock ready for shipping.
It is being shown on both the 'Belt' and the 'Other' product pages...